Catarina Osório de Castro

Stones, endless lines, cracks, holes. Wombs, mineral uteruses. Generators of forms, of objects, of things, of substances. In the beginning of the sixteenth century, Joachin Patinir invented his landscapes from a close, thorough study of stones and mosses from which he composed sublime forested mountains. In 1611, Phillip Hainhofer, a merchant from Augsburg, wrote to his brother about the stones he called “florentine”, describing them “mit selbstgewachsenen Landschaften” (with self-generated landscapes”). Hainhofer supplied the duque of Pomerland, as well as the king of Sweden, with his famous kunstschranken (cabinets of curiosities)[1]. Stones as images, stones with images. Stones that generate imaginary landscapes, landscapes arising on stones.

José António Leitão

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